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  • Front Suspension Airbags for 1992 Champion on Spartan Mountain Master Chassis

    Luckily Spartan Chassis had these in stock because no one else in the USA had them or seemed to be able to find them.

    ContiTech supposedly makes them and their part # is AS9333. The ones I got are Firestone and their part # is W013589333.

    I haven't installed them yet as it looks like a much more daunting task than I originally had assessed. I thought the right one was leaking the week before our big trip to West Virginia so I figured I better try to fix it or at least have the parts with me on the road in case it totally went out. Made the trip fine and still not having any trouble a month later. It is possible that the ride height valve was sticking or leaking so I bought a new one of those too but now everything seems fine.
    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"