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  • Some things you may be or should be thinking about when considering an RV purchase

    This is from my article "RV Pre-Purchase Questions":

    How big do we want or need?

    How many people do we need to be able to sleep?

    Does the RV we’re looking at really sleep the number it claims to, comfortably?

    How much room do we have to store it when not in use?

    What types of places do we want to visit? Some campgrounds and resorts have maximum or minimum size limits. Some fancy ones only allow coaches, no trailers.

    What is our driving and parking skill level?

    How much can we afford?

    How much is insurance?

    How much is registration?

    How much will regular maintenance cost?

    If looking at motorhomes: Are we going to tow with it? How much weight do we need to tow?

    If looking at trailers: How much will our tow vehicle handle?

    Do we want the ability to dry camp and be self sufficient for a while?

    Do we need a generator built in?

    Will we want air conditioning and or heating?

    Fresh water tank capacity?

    Waste water tank capacities?

    Hot water? Propane and or electric?

    Refrigerator? Propane and or electric powered?

    Bathroom? Full or just a potty? All in one room or potty separate from sink and shower?


    How big is the refrigerator/freezer?

    How much counter space?

    Do we want an oven or is just a stove top and microwave sufficient?

    How many people can sit at the dinette?

    Will you be camping in the cold? Arctic package to prevent water system freezing?

    Diesel motorhome traveling thru mountains? Will you need an exhaust brake?

    Entry door in front or middle? Possibly some advantage or disadvantage to each depending on personal preference.

    Does it have a sufficient outdoor awning(s)?


    If looking at a Classic RV or a used / pre-loved RV there are additional considerations.

    How many miles are on it?

    How many hours on the generator?

    Condition of tires? Wear, damage and AGE.
    New tires can be a huge expense especially on motorhomes. Some info--> here


    Exterior condition?

    Has it been stored outside / inside?

    All systems working? There are a ton of them!

    Drivability / Tow-ability?

    It’s recommended to have a professional RV mechanic do a pre-buy inspection unless you’re very knowledgeable and/or willing to take your chances.

    Does the current owner have maintenance records?

    Has the unit been properly maintained all it’s life?

    Registration cost? Surprisingly the registration can be very expensive even if the unit is very old.

    Water damage? Hidden rot and mold?

    Rust on chassis?

    What repairs and refurbishing are needed and at what cost? Can you do the labor yourself to save money?

    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"