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  • Smelly Gray (Grey?) Water Tank

    Member denise emailed with the question of what to do about a smelly gray water tank. I am making it a thread so others can contribute and or benefit from the information. Thanks denise, hopefully we can help!
    • First thing is to regularly use an additive made for RV tanks, you can use the same in the black and gray tank. We've had good luck with TST Toilet Treatment Drop Ins from Walmart, Camping World, etc.. (I like the Orange)
    • We put a packet in the toilet and flush, then tear open a packet and pour it down the sink drain & rinse. This should be done after every tank emptying or every week if not being emptied often. The live enzymes that eat the stuff that causes the stink only live so long.
    • Keeping the shower and sink drain traps full of water is important too. The traps hold water to create a barrier to keep odors in the tank. If the RV sits for a long period the traps will dry out and that barrier will be gone.
    • The tanks are vented out the roof of the RV and if that vent malfunctions or gets wind blowing on it the right way it can cause tank smells to come up thru the drains. There are some gizmos available that attach to your roof vent pipe and swivel in the wind to help prevent this. We have the Cyclone Sewer Vent, less than $20.
    • I have heard of people cleaning out the tanks by filling with a mix of water and dish soap and driving for a couple hours and then emptying the sudsy water. Might be easy to try and won't hurt your tanks or plumbing.

    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"

  • #2
    Concern about using chemicals was raised in discussion.

    I would be inclined to find an additive that is organic since a big part of keeping the smell down is putting the good enzymes in the tanks that eat the stuff that causes the smell like grease, oils, food particles. Good ventilation of the tanks also encourages this “digestion process”. Possibly something like Happy Campers Organic Holding Tank Treatment?
    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"


    • #3
      Got a nice email back from denise:

      "We have made it to the west coast. No major problems.
      I wanted to let you know about the gray holding tanks. Borax works great. And a lot less money than the other stuff. Have a great day."

      Thanks for giving us the feedback!

      Hope the rest of your trip goes well! Please share any good recommendations, stories and pics with us.
      1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"

