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Arctic packages can include many add ons depending on manufacturer and model including electric tank heaters, extra insulation, thicker windows, furnace vents into storage areas, etc..
I haven't been able to find any specific information on ours but we do have two switches under our kitchen sink visible when cabinet doors are open, labeled Arctic. I assume those are for electric holding tank heating elements. Those elements could be AC and only work with 120v AC or they could be 12v DC and work with battery power or DC from the converter when plugged into 120v AC shore power or generator running. Either way I think they would drain the batteries fairly quickly with no external power source.
As for effective I don't know. Generally a good arctic package equipped RV can be used in very cold weather, well below freezing BUT I have no idea how well ours are designed or if they work at all.
Also if you are hooked up to water and sewer you need to add electric heat tape which is 120v AC to the exposed hookup pipes/hoses.
1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"
okay will do, we are having yet another cold snap - this one with icy/sleet - rain maybe more snow. This far south is not the norm...
I do have a digital battery charge with a 4 bank setup in the engine compartment - plugged in at storage.
It is crazy how you guys get that icy weather down there. I've spent most of my life in Michigan and the two worst ice storms I've ever seen were during visits to Austin and San Antonio, TX.
1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"
no i did not winterize the water system. but even when its really cold in the 30's its still warmer in the rv. its under cover and next to 2 large trailers, also when the water pump is on their is a pressurized leak (dripping) so i plan on replacing all the water pipes soon.