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  • DISCLAIMER - Must read and understand before using site

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional or licensed mechanic, just a “do it yourselfer” who likes to share my experiences to help others just as many have done for me in my quest to fix and improve things myself over the past 30 something years. I will always attempt to convey the best information possible, however, DO NOT rely solely on the information I provide.

    This website and all of it’s contents including content provided by other users is only intended as a resource to compliment other information such as manufacturers approved information, specifications, documentation, procedures, etc.

    You are solely responsible for your safety, that of your passengers and assistants and for the proper repair and maintenance of your vehicle.

    • Common sense
    • Proper safety gear and safety procedures
    • Proper tools
    • Manufacturer approved information, specifications, documentation, procedures, etc.
    • Manufacturer approved parts, filters, fluids, lubricants, etc.

    Make safety your first priority!

    Thank you,

    Josh Freeling
    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"