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  • How to CREATE LINKS to web pages inside your posts

    Simple way:

    The simplest way to post a link to a web page is to "create a new topic" or "reply to a post", above and left of the text entry box there is a chain link icon next to the camera icon, click this and enter the web address. This will put the link in the bottom of the post.

    Cool way:

    If you want to make some of the text in your post click-able (which is very cool) as a link then follow this:

    Start by opening a new tab or window in your web browser and navigating to the page you wish to link and copy the web address:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_39.png
Views:	284
Size:	1.06 MB
ID:	138
    Go to the page on you wish to make your post, "create a new topic" or "reply to a post" and follow the 3 steps shown here:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Link Tutorial 2.png
Views:	283
Size:	1.43 MB
ID:	140
    Then paste the web address here:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Link Tutorial 3.png
Views:	293
Size:	381.8 KB
ID:	141
    Now the text you highlighted in your post will be a different color, underlined and will be "click-able" and will open the web page you specified. You can use as much or as little text as you want.

    Here are some examples:
    Click here to check out my blog.

    One of my favorite places in Michigan is the Silver Lake State Park.

    Since we are talking about tires, did you see the article about tire safety, the video is very educational. Check it out!
    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"