I come in peace, from a little peninsula at the coast of Croatia, called Istra.
I've been a DIY guy for my whole life, and I like all things manual.
I am here to learn and possibly share my experiences with you all.
I have an old RV that needs help, it wants to shine and make me feel at home 🙂
I'll create a topic with pictures, and a list of things that need to be done, your suggestions of what to and what not to do are very welcome and much appreciated.
I come in peace, from a little peninsula at the coast of Croatia, called Istra.
I've been a DIY guy for my whole life, and I like all things manual.
I am here to learn and possibly share my experiences with you all.
I have an old RV that needs help, it wants to shine and make me feel at home 🙂
I'll create a topic with pictures, and a list of things that need to be done, your suggestions of what to and what not to do are very welcome and much appreciated.