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  • Heard of Life Line Screening?

    I recently went to one of their health screening "events" and it was a very good experience. They offered a few preventive things in particular that my regular doctor doesn't normally offer such as EKG and Ultrasound of the arteries to check for plaque buildup and potential heart problems.

    I recently had 2 friends that almost died from blockages in the arteries, 1 friend that didn't make it and have heard numerous "they told me I'd be dead if I had waited another 10 minutes to call 911" stories. I hear those stories and I imagine being somewhere in the RV where that 10 minutes is a moot point with emergency medical help far away. Seems that Life Line Screening's services would have warned these folks and they could have gotten treatment long before it was a near death or worse experience. The technology is out there and this company is making it affordable.

    There are multiple dates and locations all over the country to make it convenient and it is very well run. I had a great experience with them even when having to reschedule my appointment due to work. A package is sent to you with your results and a sheet to take to your regular doctor for their records and analysis.

    Check out Life Line Screening
    1992 Champion EuroPremier 38'-sold, 1984 Ford Bronco, 2010 Australian Shepherd - "Coby", 2012 Pomeranian- "Bella"